Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ Touches Down But Is Experiencing Low Power Levels

Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ Touches Down But Is Experiencing Low Power Levels


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Updated 1 week ago · Published on 20 Jan 2024 5:00PM ·

Illustrative Image

This shape-shifting mini-rover, slightly bigger than a tennis ball, has been co-developed by the firm behind the Transformer toys. – AFP News Agency Facebook pic, January 20, 2024.

Japan’s Moon Landing Announcement

JAPAN today became the fifth nation to achieve a soft lunar landing but said its “Moon Sniper” spacecraft was running out of power due to a solar battery problem.

After a nail-biting 20-minute descent, space agency JAXA said its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) had touched down and communication had been established.

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