Indonesia Converts Traditional Indigenous Territory into Nickel Industrial Area

Indonesia Converts Traditional Indigenous Territory into Nickel Industrial Area

Nickel: The Critical Metal for EV Batteries Found in Indonesia’s Forests

In the biodiversity-rich forests of Indonesia lies a metal the world needs to break its reliance on fossil fuels: nickel.

The Implications of Indonesia as a Key Nickel Supplier for EVs

Nickel is a key component of dominant battery technologies for electric vehicles. It helps to give EVs more miles out of a single charge.

Economic Development and Indonesia’s EV Battery Industry Ambitions

Indonesia, the world’s largest nickel producer, is actively building out an EV battery industry. It is betting on the rapidly growing sector to help power economic development.

Presidential Election and the Future of Nickel Industry in Indonesia

The future of the nickel industry is a key issue in next week’s presidential election. Its expansion has recently drawn scrutiny over its environmental and social impacts.

Conflict Arises Over Nickel Complex on Indigenous Land

In Southeast Sulawesi, the construction of a nickel industrial complex on the Indigenous Mopute people’s traditional land has sparked conflict.

Accusations of Rights Violations Amid Nickel Industry Expansion

Communities compelled to leave this tract of forest, where their ancestors are buried, are alleging rights violations and police intimidation. The authorities have kept silent.

Read the Full Story on Nickel Industry and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Read the story here.

Concerns Over Eroding Safeguards Amid Nickel Boom

Analysts are warning that the boom in nickel projects is eroding officials’ capacity to robustly examine safeguards. But the choice is not either/or.

EVs as a Clean Energy Solution Without Compromising Indigenous Rights

Electric vehicles are a necessary part of the energy transition. But as rights NGOs highlight, the sector has a responsibility not to perpetuate the harmful practices of the extractive industries of the fossil fuel era.

Additional Resources and Information on the Clean Energy Transition

You can read the full story on a specially designed mini-site here. Learn more about our Clean Energy Frontier, our series exploring the supply chains of clean energy technologies, here.

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